Welcome to True Vine Church Grand Rapids.

Our church reflects the sense of Connection with Jesus Christ. Our church is named according to the Scripture reading in John 15:1-8. 

So, we depend on Jesus for everything, starting with our very life.

Jesus is the True Vine , believers are branches and God is the Vinedresser. No one can serve God effectively until he relates to Jesus Christ by faith. Jesus is our only connection with the God who gave life and who produces in us a fruitful life of righteousness and service.

Our desire is to welcome others into this adventure we are on to know Jesus and make Him known in Grand Rapids, Michigan and all over the world to all nations.

We are intentionally a multicultural community where all people from all cultures and backgrounds can find a place to belong, and serve, a place to believe in Jesus Christ and His love for all, and a place to use our spiritual gifts.

THE MISSION is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people of all nations and to make disciples out of them.

Our mission will be to offer restoration, healing, and hope to those in despair while continuously reviving people to their personal destiny in the purposes of God. It will also be our mission to foster spiritual growth through commitment to the scripture and through personal excellence.

THE VISION is to reach a community that is involved in true worship to God and that which will spread his fame by being faithful to his calling.

This church hopes to become self-supporting, vibrant, and missionary minded promoting a joyful worship while developing the community.

INVOLVEMENT & SUPPORT:  God enabling you, there are various ways in which you may be involved in the activities of the True Vine Church.

You may offer your service through specific prayer team opportunities. Alternatively, you may be involved through volunteer work in various departments of the church. You may also take an active role in the church by playing a various instrument. You may also have an opportunity to take part in church activities by making donations to help the church meet its financial obligations.

I consider an honor to lead this incredible church

and really look forward to meeting you as you join us.

The Mission

The Mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people of all nations and to make disciples out of them. 

The Vision

The Vision is to reach a community that is involved in true worship to God and that which will spread his fame by being faithful to his calling.

Involvement & Support

God enabling you, there are various ways in which you may be involved in the activities of the True Vine Church.